The The Unemployed Graduates of Calvin's esteemed pre-architecture program


Green architecture

I just read that Chicago is known for trying to be the "greenest" city in the US. I had no idea. This is chicago's dedication to the enviroment.

Has any one done any reports on LEED. All I know is that they have a system to evaluate buildings, and you can get gold, platnuim, silver, lead, nickle... or whatever designations they have.

Do you guys think it could have any negative reprocutions? One highschool teacher of mine one said "our enviroment is not our God."

All I know is that sustainability is going to be a big problem some time in our future. We could probobly do something about that now... or leave it up to the last second to get everything straightened out. I think LEED is a form of anticipating that, and will only be more important as time goes on. I think it would be wise to get LEED certified, not only because its important to our enviroment but because there will be a demand for LEED certified architects in the future.

Who thinks this is a little over the top (McDonough's pre-planned town)?? *raises his hand* Its like corbusier slapping on a green roof. Thats my initial reaction. I don't actually know what he proposes in the rest of the building or the city. After reading "the production of houses" anything mass produced on a large scale feels like its going to be inherently inhumane and a terrible place to live.

Ok. I looked at pete's blog... and its interesting. He writes much more eliquently than I do, so I think he should make some posts. I don'tk now if any one reads these.

GL on exams every one...


  • You should study instead of blogging...

    I'll comment once I get out of this hole I'm in

    By Blogger matt vander ploeg, at 5/16/2006 2:21 AM  

  • LEED is sponsored by the American government and is really the first attempt at scoring the environmental efficiency of a proposed project. It rewards recyclable, less toxic materials, and lower embodied energy (the energy required in producing and transporting the material). Overall, it's a good thing, and for the most part a voluntary program.

    From my own experience a few years into the profession, it seems that Green design is affecting everything we learn and do. The architecture registration exams now include lots of green design questions, and all of the technical manuals have expanded chapters on sustainable methods.

    Also, the cost of materials seem to rise all the time, so it's in our interest to be as efficient as possible. I'm not too concerned about construction being too environmentally damaging, as developments towards eco-friendly products and methods are catching on quickly.

    Still, I think turf roofs, while nice if you can afford it, is way too expensive for most (not to mention technically problematic--leaking). There are many other cost-effective ways to meet green design standards.

    Thanks for linking to my site!

    By Blogger corbusier, at 5/16/2006 2:16 PM  

  • Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/26/2006 1:36 PM  

  • Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/26/2006 1:51 PM  

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