
Hoy Hoy

update pete v:

Been living in Delaware, was doing print production for about a year.

Recently switched careers *ha* now working from home (parents')
doing graphic design. Which is pretty cool with the Mac and all
but tough, because I have no training and am not very good.

Mostly page layout kind of stuff. I pretend to know
how to use the Adobe Creative Suite, that 
was supplied by employer – score!

Really it's going well and I'm learning a lot.
Very thankful for the opportunity to 
get into this kind of work.

Took a couple of AutoCAD classes; forgot everything.
Finally finished reading The Fountainhead.
No plans for grad school (right now).

p.s. – Congratulations Will, best wishes.

1 comment:

  1. what kind of stuff do you do graphic design for?

    Well... I always thought you'd be doing great things (thought of you as a pretty smart dude, and envied your drawing abilities), so I encourage you to pursue great things :).

    I'm also jealous of the adobe creative suite... I have the opportunity to get through my wife's school, for only $500, and I still can't afford it. :(

    Well... thanks for post!
