Bio-terrorism, Interior Design, and the Mexican Ghetto.
So my *ephem* program called Archeworks has begun. Let's just call it my Design Program. Much better name, simpler, and not as... well... trendy and cute.
So basically, it involves two parts. First, is a project. There are 15 participants involved, divided into 3 teams. My team's project involves working with Chicago Public Health on Bio-Terrorism issues. The second part is an ethics/morality course and a future studies course.
This Design Program is so intaresting on so many levels. The people involved, for one. Everyone there has some sort of ethical thing going on in their heads, and has some sort of bent in their intarest toward design. That is all we have in common. People are all ages...I am one of two fresh-graduates. And all sorts of types of jobs or other things ranging from architects/interior designers/art gallery people/artists/computer people/lanscapers/health care workers/community developement people/ city workers/ oh, yeah, and ME! So, that alone makes it pretty intaresting right there.
So, today "class" was the morality class. It was just fasinating to be in an academic discussion with people from such diverse backgrounds about morality, absolutes/relitivity, ethics, you know. We acually went around the circle, and all said our own stance/beliefs on ethics. I was first in the circle, not by choice. It was very strange and exciting to hear what people said. It felt like some weird sort of reality tv show.
And the projects are awesome the other two groups are working on: sustainability w/ the Museum of Science and Industry and the the other on: everyday stuff for stroke victims w/ some big stroke research place here in town. It's basically a giant year-long charette, and if it's good enough, it has the possibility to be implimented. My project has some money behind it, so i hope that helps too.
Anyway, this is getting really rambly, so I will stop soon... but I also wanted to ad that I got a job, so if anyone is worried about there spelling abilities and how that will affect their future job prospects... whatever. I am the office manager at an interior design firm, yeah, i don't get excited about interior design, but i look at it as a way to learn how to run a small business. I am just cleaning up a business degree or something.
And now I am at home, in the mexican ghetto.
So basically, it involves two parts. First, is a project. There are 15 participants involved, divided into 3 teams. My team's project involves working with Chicago Public Health on Bio-Terrorism issues. The second part is an ethics/morality course and a future studies course.
This Design Program is so intaresting on so many levels. The people involved, for one. Everyone there has some sort of ethical thing going on in their heads, and has some sort of bent in their intarest toward design. That is all we have in common. People are all ages...I am one of two fresh-graduates. And all sorts of types of jobs or other things ranging from architects/interior designers/art gallery people/artists/computer people/lanscapers/health care workers/community developement people/ city workers/ oh, yeah, and ME! So, that alone makes it pretty intaresting right there.
So, today "class" was the morality class. It was just fasinating to be in an academic discussion with people from such diverse backgrounds about morality, absolutes/relitivity, ethics, you know. We acually went around the circle, and all said our own stance/beliefs on ethics. I was first in the circle, not by choice. It was very strange and exciting to hear what people said. It felt like some weird sort of reality tv show.
And the projects are awesome the other two groups are working on: sustainability w/ the Museum of Science and Industry and the the other on: everyday stuff for stroke victims w/ some big stroke research place here in town. It's basically a giant year-long charette, and if it's good enough, it has the possibility to be implimented. My project has some money behind it, so i hope that helps too.
Anyway, this is getting really rambly, so I will stop soon... but I also wanted to ad that I got a job, so if anyone is worried about there spelling abilities and how that will affect their future job prospects... whatever. I am the office manager at an interior design firm, yeah, i don't get excited about interior design, but i look at it as a way to learn how to run a small business. I am just cleaning up a business degree or something.
And now I am at home, in the mexican ghetto.
Kudos for the ironic use of frequent spelling errors in this post! And what's wrong with interior design? That's where the rubber meets the road; flimsy architecture can always be shaded by crazy fabrics and cool lighting schemes.
pete v, at 9/20/2006 1:30 PM
Sounds fun...I hope your group's design will save us from Anthrax? Keep us posted.
PS - My softball/video game name is "Mr. AnthraXxX"
matt vander ploeg, at 9/20/2006 2:21 PM
Congrats on everything.
What does morality have to do with design anyway... its all a sham!
Actually, sounds fun. Is there a lecture part of the course?? Is this program associated with a school... or something else...
Anyhow... where in chicago are you living?? downtown? north of downtown?
Will Krzymowski, at 9/20/2006 3:12 PM
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